FREE Monthly Story Time

Join us for monthly storytime for K-3 students, we will read books, have fun and maybe practice our comprehension and thinking skills while we are at it. The location and time are to be announced before the event, so join us on our Website and Facebook page to be notified.

FREE Reading Assessments

Assessments are a great tool to know where your child stands academically. It is paramount to stay ahead and be proactive about learning. School assessments do happen, but often they come late, and by the time you know, test grades already came back low.

Tutoring One-on-one

Well, tutor is in our name, so that's what we do. We are flexible and offer a variety of tutoring options, from one-on-one to group; from one-time, to packages. Locations can be at your home, at our offices, or online.

Seasonal Small-Group Courses

This is the secret sauce of our tutoring experience. We make small group courses available at strategic key milestones throughout the school year.   These are remedial, preparatory, or enriching courses designed to set up children to fulfilling success.